where to stay




our recommendations

airbnb or vrbo

Please note: Many hotels in the area may require a two-night minimum stay, so we recommend using Airbnb or VRBO if you would prefer to only stay up there on Friday night. We recommend booking your stay as soon as you’re able to, as places tend to fill up quickly around this time of year! 
Here are the 3 surrounding towns that you will be able to find some good  options: 

Meredith, NH


Sandwich, NH

Airbnb Book here
Vrbo Book here

Airbnb Book here
Vrbo Book here

Airbnb Book here
Vrbo Book here

Please note: Many hotels in the area may require a two-night minimum stay, so we recommend using Airbnb or VRBO if you would prefer to only stay up there on Friday night.

We recommend booking your stay as soon as you’re able to, as places tend to fill up quickly around this time of year! 

Here are the 3 surrounding towns that you will be able to find some good  options: 


Days Inn by Wyndham Tamworth

Center Harbor, NH
20 minutes from Castle in the Clouds
Book here
*Minimum 2 night stay

Tamworth, NH
30 minutes from Castle in the Clouds
Book here

If you want to make a full weekend out of it, here are a couple hotels we’d recommend:
