wedding party

the couple


alison dolan

Sara Cecelya

clarissa budd

maria ramon

samantha ramon

shayla ramon

the bridesmaids

jonathan MCTAGUE

arturO Vincentell

justin DAVIS



oscar APONTE

the groomsmen



click the names to learn a litTle more about our people

alison dolan


First of all, Gen is the best person ever, but you already know that if you know her❤️ We met freshman year of college on the first night of our Christian Fellowship club. I felt so lost at such a big school and hadn’t met anyone I really clicked with yet. That night, after I met her and our other best friend, Sara (another special lady in this wedding party), I called my mom and said “I just met my best friends and these girls are going to be in my wedding some day.” It’s been the sweetest thing growing together over these past 10 years and we have now all been in each other’s weddings! I love Gen’s heart for the Lord, her joy, her silliness, her spontaneity, and, now, her other half! Love you, Genny Poo! I couldn’t be happier for you and JD.

sara cecelya


Gen and I were college freshman roommates. We didn’t know each other when we chose each other to be roommates via social media but I had a feeling we would be compatible. It was definitely a match that God orchestrated because we’ve been best friends ever since. My best memories in college are with Gen and Alison. Gen is the best kind of friend a girl could ask for. She is thoughtful, cries when you cry and rejoices when you rejoice, and just really loves so well. We’ve been there for each other through all different milestones and seasons of life, post graduation, such as my own wedding and becoming a mom. I’m so blessed to now stand beside her and support her and JD as they start this new chapter of their life. I can’t wait to see how they follow Jesus and impact the Kingdom together! 

sara cecelya


Gen and I were college freshman roommates. We didn’t know each other when we chose each other to be roommates via social media but I had a feeling we would be compatible. It was definitely a match that God orchestrated because we’ve been best friends ever since. My best memories in college are with Gen and Alison. Gen is the best kind of friend a girl could ask for. She is thoughtful, cries when you cry and rejoices when you rejoice, and just really loves so well. We’ve been there for each other through all different milestones and seasons of life, post graduation, such as my own wedding and becoming a mom. I’m so blessed to now stand beside her and support her and JD as they start this new chapter of their life. I can’t wait to see how they follow Jesus and impact the Kingdom together! 

clarissa budd


Gen and I met while working at Gymboree our junior year of college. We hit it off and that was the start of a friendship that I am so thankful for. The past 8+ years have been filled with countless concerts, girls night outs, heart-to-hearts, church hangs, trips and so many more memories. I feel so grateful to call Gen a friend; she's thoughtful, intentional, intuitional, a great listener, gives Godly advice when you need to hear it most, and she's the best concert buddy! I'm so excited to stand by Gen's side as she and JD make a commitment to themselves and to God, and start this new chapter together. Lets gooooooo!!

clarissa budd


Gen and I met while working at Gymboree our junior year of college. We hit it off and that was the start of a friendship that I am so thankful for. The past 8+ years have been filled with countless concerts, girls night outs, heart-to-hearts, church hangs, trips and so many more memories. I feel so grateful to call Gen a friend; she's thoughtful, intentional, intuitional, a great listener, gives Godly advice when you need to hear it most, and she's the best concert buddy! I'm so excited to stand by Gen's side as she and JD make a commitment to themselves and to God, and start this new chapter together. Lets gooooooo!!

maria ramon


Honestly my favorite memory with Gen was when I first met her. We were on a hike and this girl was struggling but she finished like a CHAMP. From that day forward, I’ve noticed how strong, persistent, and courageous she is. Not to mention, she’s a pretty tough gal for putting up with my brother. I am so excited to have her as my future sister and continue doing life together. 

maria ramon


Honestly my favorite memory with Gen was when I first met her. We were on a hike and this girl was struggling but she finished like a CHAMP. From that day forward, I’ve noticed how strong, persistent, and courageous she is. Not to mention, she’s a pretty tough gal for putting up with my brother. I am so excited to have her as my future sister and continue doing life together. 

samantha ramon


I’m one of JD’s three younger sisters! Gen is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She has a generous character that leads her to help everyone around her. But don’t be fooled, she’s a tough cookie so don’t take her lightly! I’m so happy my brother found someone like Gen and I’m excited to officially welcome her into the Ramon fam.

samantha ramon


I’m one of JD’s three younger sisters! Gen is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. She has a generous character that leads her to help everyone around her. But don’t be fooled, she’s a tough cookie so don’t take her lightly! I’m so happy my brother found someone like Gen and I’m excited to officially welcome her into the Ramon fam.

shayla ramon


Gen, bright and happy. That’s what comes to mind when I think of her. She is a blessing to our family. She helps JD in so many ways. Every time I want to tell him to relax, or to keep his mouth shut, she’s always thinking the same thing and beats me to it. When she does, I can’t help but smile. I’m so thankful for her and it’s an honor to join families! 

shayla ramon


Gen, bright and happy. That’s what comes to mind when I think of her. She is a blessing to our family. She helps JD in so many ways. Every time I want to tell him to relax, or to keep his mouth shut, she’s always thinking the same thing and beats me to it. When she does, I can’t help but smile. I’m so thankful for her and it’s an honor to join families! 

jonathan mctague

best man

When I first met JD back in freshman year at Suffolk University, we were instantly NOT friends. I talked too much for an 8am class and he was joining a fraternity… only some of us had to buy friends, not me. Although not formally in a fraternity, JD quickly became my brother. Math class was only the beginning. From there, JD and I would grow together throughout our college experience and beyond. Bruins and Patriots games, going out in Downtown Boston, traveling to places such as Miami and Dallas, and many other adventures. JD is now stuck with me for life, and now, so is Gen. Gen was able to get her first glimpse at mine and JD’s friendship during a quick trip to Nantucket, a favorite for both of us. If Gen didn’t walk away after that day, I can honestly say they are meant to be together. JD has taught me the true way to continue building a relationship with God and how it’s okay to focus on yourself at times. To be part of this special day and stand next to my best friend and brother is truly an honor. JD and Gen, this is only the beginning of a lifelong adventure together, I can’t wait until June 2022 to celebrate you both!

jonathan mctague

best man

When I first met JD back in freshman year at Suffolk University, we were instantly NOT friends. I talked too much for an 8am class and he was joining a fraternity… only some of us had to buy friends, not me. Although not formally in a fraternity, JD quickly became my brother. Math class was only the beginning. From there, JD and I would grow together throughout our college experience and beyond. Bruins and Patriots games, going out in Downtown Boston, traveling to places such as Miami and Dallas, and many other adventures. JD is now stuck with me for life, and now, so is Gen. Gen was able to get her first glimpse at mine and JD’s friendship during a quick trip to Nantucket, a favorite for both of us. If Gen didn’t walk away after that day, I can honestly say they are meant to be together. JD has taught me the true way to continue building a relationship with God and how it’s okay to focus on yourself at times. To be part of this special day and stand next to my best friend and brother is truly an honor. JD and Gen, this is only the beginning of a lifelong adventure together, I can’t wait until June 2022 to celebrate you both!

arturo vincentell


JD and I have been best friends since 7th grade when our school assigned seating at lunch and we ended up sitting next to each other. We’ve experienced so much together: bad haircuts, sports, fun nights and bad ones too. Even a stint when our very own groom decided that going platinum blonde was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I could not be more excited to stand with him 14 years later and celebrate the beginning of Gen and JD’s new journey together.

arturo vincentell


JD and I have been best friends since 7th grade when our school assigned seating at lunch and we ended up sitting next to each other. We’ve experienced so much together: bad haircuts, sports, fun nights and bad ones too. Even a stint when our very own groom decided that going platinum blonde was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I could not be more excited to stand with him 14 years later and celebrate the beginning of Gen and JD’s new journey together.

justin davis


JD and I have only known each other for a couple years, but in that time he’s become like a little brother to me. He’s trusted me as a mentor and I am beyond honored to be a part of this big day for him and Gen. 

justin davis


JD and I have only known each other for a couple years, but in that time he’s become like a little brother to me. He’s trusted me as a mentor and I am beyond honored to be a part of this big day for him and Gen. 

clif newton


I met JD a little over a year ago when he joined the Framingham Campus for Connect church and it already feels like we have been friends for a lifetime. JD is authentic, passionate and in love with Jesus, and all 3 of these are put on display every day for the world to see! I learn from him as I lead him, if that doesn’t tell you who JD is, nothing else will! Get out of his way or get on his team when he is trying to accomplish a goal. He is good-willed, God-willed and will get the job done, whatever the task. I wouldn’t want to go to battle without him by my side! 

clif newton


I met JD a little over a year ago when he joined the Framingham Campus for Connect church and it already feels like we have been friends for a lifetime. JD is authentic, passionate and in love with Jesus, and all 3 of these are put on display every day for the world to see! I learn from him as I lead him, if that doesn’t tell you who JD is, nothing else will! Get out of his way or get on his team when he is trying to accomplish a goal. He is good-willed, God-willed and will get the job done, whatever the task. I wouldn’t want to go to battle without him by my side! 

ian mccarthy


My favorite memory of JD was after a 508 night when we were talking about our plans for the weekend. He got very excited after I told him I had a date on Saturday night but his expression changed very quickly when I said it was his sister. Now I’m blessed to be marrying her and adding another brother into my life. Can’t wait for the opportunity to celebrate JD and Genevieve.

ian mccarthy


My favorite memory of JD was after a 508 night when we were talking about our plans for the weekend. He got very excited after I told him I had a date on Saturday night but his expression changed very quickly when I said it was his sister. Now I’m blessed to be marrying her and adding another brother into my life. Can’t wait for the opportunity to celebrate JD and Genevieve.

oscar aponte


From a young age I’ve looked up to my cousin, JD. I’ve always been inspired by him to pursue things I’ve never considered before. For example, I fell in love with football by watching him play at his Friday night games during high school. The tables have turned since I’M the one to beat him at ball now! JD has also always displayed excellence in school, in his career, and his relationship with God. He is the closest thing I have to an older brother and I’d like to think that he feels the same about me! I’m excited to watch him enter this next season of life with Gen. It’s truly an honor to walk beside them as they take these next steps to becoming one! 

oscar aponte


From a young age I’ve looked up to my cousin, JD. I’ve always been inspired by him to pursue things I’ve never considered before. For example, I fell in love with football by watching him play at his Friday night games during high school. The tables have turned since I’M the one to beat him at ball now! JD has also always displayed excellence in school, in his career, and his relationship with God. He is the closest thing I have to an older brother and I’d like to think that he feels the same about me! I’m excited to watch him enter this next season of life with Gen. It’s truly an honor to walk beside them as they take these next steps to becoming one!